Introducing Jamesbrittenia Goldstar™ a New Go-To for Hanging Baskets and Container Combos.
In the world of plant breeding, patience and passion take center stage. The development of Goldstar™, a new variety for Catalog 2020, is truly a story of those attributes: Passion for a particular plant variety, the drive to make that variety the best it can be and the patience it takes to get it exactly right.
“We work hard to ensure creativity is part of our company culture,” says Amir Zuker, PhD, vice president of research and development at Danziger “This is true for every part of our business, but especially when it comes to breeding work. Each of our breeders is given time to explore, test and trial varieties that they are passionate about. Allowing those personal connections to come through in their work has developed some amazing new introductions.”
Not Your Grandmother’s Variety
Our breeder’s passion to improve a favorite variety led to Goldstar™. The Jamesbrittenia of long ago was beautiful, but tended to be a difficult species. It was hard to root, had disease sensitivities and tended to be a little wild in habit. “We had older varieties, but actually cancelled our Jamesbrittenia program,” says Zuker , “But, our breeder followed her passion. She really believed in the plant, and kept the work going as a pet project.”
The result is an entirely new generation of Jamesbrittenia hybrida. Goldstar™ roots well and has enhanced resistance to foliage disease. It’s also day-neutral, extremely heat tolerant and well behaved. Goldstar™ sunny-yellow blooms combine with just about any color, making it a go-to variety for any hanging basket program.
“Goldstar™ is beyond anything we ever expected,” says Amir Dor Director of Sales- Bedding. “Growers consistently commented on how well it is performing in baskets and combos. Its semi-upright habit does well in Mixie’s and mixed baskets, and it even looks great as a mono-culture basket.”
Goldstar™ may be described as the little black dress of Mixie’s plants because it really does go with just about everything. It’s bright, yet neutral color allows for flexibility and creativity when pairing in combinations. It’s stunning when paired in hanging baskets with AMORE™ Queen of Hearts petunia, CAPELLA™ Indigo or trailing petunias such as CASCADIAS™ Purple Gem.
Check out the Jamesbrittenia Goldstar™ page for more information.